
The 2021 KSC Graphic Design Portfolio Exhibition

The Graphic Design Portfolio Night will be held at the LP Young Student Center on the campus of Keene State College. Attendance is restricted to community members participating in the COVID testing group. Family and friends not on campus can watch the excitement including interviews with the designers the event on Facebook Live.

The annual Portfolio event is the capstone experience for the graphic design students of the Bachelor of Fine Arts program. It is the culmination of four years of intensive study in the arts and techniques of graphic design. Typically, the students present their portfolio of work to regional design professionals, family, friends and the larger community. However, this year due to pandemic safety concerns those who are not in the KSC COVID testing program will not be allowed to be on campus to attend the event. To accommodate those outside our testing, please tune into the live stream on Facebook!

Follow us on instagram: @kscgdbfashow