Corinne O’Flaherty

Hi, I’m Corinne!

I’m from Concord, New Hampshire, though I grew up in Upstate New York. Before transferring to Keene State College as a Graphic Design student, I received my Associates of Science in Animation & Graphic Game Programming from NHTI, Concord’s Community College. While coding is fun, I knew that I wanted something more creative for a career; with my skills as a designer, programmer, and web developer my dream is to work in the game industry. I’m not entirely sure where in the field I would like to end up, but if there’s anything I’ve learned from Graphic Design, its to not be afraid to try things.

While I haven’t been at Keene State as long as my peers, the experience has been very rewarding and I have learned so much from my professors and friends. Other creative interests of mine include illustration, painting, sewing, and knitting. When I’m exhausted from all the creativity, I’m either playing with my rottweiler Roxy, or spending time with my family (we play videogames together!).

Corinne’s Website